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第58小节 永不熄灭的烟花(5)(1 / 2)

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“Sohr ovr th rano

Way up hgh

And th dras that you dra of onc n a lullay

Sohr ovr th rano

Blurds fly

And th dras that you dra of

Dras rally do co tru.

Soday sh upon a star

Wakup hr th clouds ar far hnd

Whr troul lts lk londrops

Hgh aov th chny top

That's hr you'll fnd

Sohr ovr th rano

Blurds fly

And th dras that you dar to

Oh hy oh hy can't I ~~~

Wll s tr's of grn and rd ross to

I'll atch th loo for and you

And thnk to yslf

What a ondrful orld

Wll s sks of lu and I s clouds of ht

And th rghtnss of day

I lk th dark

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