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第30章 决战30(1 / 2)

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And the strongest of them all, Gohan. meanwhile, Vegeta and the twin cyborgs had their blasts ready, too.


this was it. \\\hAAAAAAAAAAA!\\\ Every single tsunami of Ki hit their intended target.


An explosion that shook the entire planet ensued, setting off reactions everywhere from the tides to the volcanoes.


the sound of Frieza\\u0027s blood curdling screams rang even louder than the bursts of energy, louder than the buildings falling, the cars exploding, even the war cries of the martial artist collective.


After a round of explosions, earthquakes, and aftershocks, the Earth settled back down. there was nothing left – except for the remains of west city, and eleven warriors who dared to tangle with the most feared tyrant in all of the cosmos.


his excruciation within the Earth\\u0027s lightning was the last the universe had seen of him. \\\I\\u0027m…alive…?\\\ Arepa stared at her charred palms on the ground, a few feet away from the mile-wide bottomless pit.


the other warriors had joined her, some standing, most taking a seat on the wet pavement. the rain continued to pour, but did little to dampen the relief among the makeshift crew. \\\what the hell.


\\\. . was that…?\\\ Gohan asked, hunched over and back in his normal state.


\\\Some science shit Kiyomi showed me in a book,\\\ Arepa muttered, still in awe of herself. \\\It actually worked…\\\


while Arepa\\u0027s stunt had somehow spared her, tien wasn\\u0027t so lucky. chiaotzu, Krillin, Yamcha, Roshi and Goku crowded around him, desperately trying to shake him awake.


his body didn\\u0027t move – not even his chest. No sign of breath, no sign of a pulse.


\\\I\\u0027m afraid we\\u0027ve lost him…\\\ Roshi murmured. \\\tIEN!\\\ chiaotzu cried, burying his head into his fallen best friend\\u0027s shoulders. Krillin and Yamcha patted him on the back. \\\he went out like he always did,\\\ Yamcha said, a somber smile on his face. \\\we owe ya, old buddy.\\\


on one knee, Gohan gazed at tien\\u0027s corpse.


he hardly knew the guy, only seeing him today and ten months prior on the lookout. 但他对那个人几乎一无所知,只在今天和十个月前在崖顶上见过他。 but he had earned his eternal respect for diving into the trenches, even though he died for it. 但他以他的勇敢赢得了他永远的尊敬,尽管为此他失去了生命。 Gohan owed not just him, but piccolo. 悟饭不仅欠他的,还有毕克洛。 his mentor\\u0027s loss meant there was no fixing the damage, but as the Earth rebuilt itself, their sacrifices wouldn\\u0027t be forgotten. 他的导师的离去意味着无法修复这个伤痛,但随着地球的重建,他们的牺牲将不会被遗忘。

\\\At least it\\u0027s over,\\\ Arepa muttered behind him. “至少结束了,” 阿瑞帕在他身后嘟囔道。 \\\No thanks to you, ya lil\\u0027 crybaby. “这要归功于你,小婴儿。”

Gohan turned around and took in Arepa\\u0027s exhausted, but no less dazzling, smile. 悟饭转过身,欣赏着阿瑞帕疲惫但同样迷人的微笑。 \\\Shut the fuck up,\\\ he snickered. “闭嘴,你这个混蛋。”他咯咯地笑着说道。

Just like on planet Linden, she had arrived in the nick of time and did what she could to save Gohan and Vegeta. 就像在林登星球上一样,她及时赶到并尽力拯救了悟饭和贝吉塔。 he didn\\u0027t know where this girl was sent from, but he thanked whoever in the skies brought her to him. 他不知道这个女孩来自哪里,但他感谢那个把她带到他身边的人。 She extended her hand, and he gladly took it, letting her pull him back up. 她伸出手,他高兴地接过,任由她把他拉了起来。 As soon as he was standing, she playfully punched his chest. 他一站起来,她开玩笑地捶了一下他的胸口。

Vegeta stared at the void, his left arm still draped across his stomach. 贝吉塔凝视着虚空,左臂仍然搭在他的胃上。 though he couldn\\u0027t even sense his own Ki, he couldn\\u0027t sense Frieza\\u0027s either. 尽管他甚至无法感知自己的气,他也感觉不到弗利沙的气。 his eternal nightmare had finally ended, and he didn\\u0027t know what to think of it. 他永恒的噩梦终于结束了,他不知道该怎么想。 his dream had been to claim the Super Saiyan power, hand Frieza the beating he deserved, and laugh at the despair on his face before ending his life. 他的梦想是获得超级赛亚人的力量,给弗利沙应得的教训,然后嘲笑他脸上的绝望,最后结束他的生命。

his eyes traveled from the pit, to the half-Saiyan standing a few feet from it. 他的目光从坑洞移到站在几英尺外的半赛亚人身上。 Gohan. 悟饭。 that little brat really had changed everything. 这个小家伙真的改变了一切。 As soon as he was dragged in, Vegeta\\u0027s path changed. 一旦他被卷入其中,贝吉塔的道路就改变了。 Somehow both knowingly and unknowingly, Vegeta had raised him to be his superior, allowing his softer, morally sound outlook to change him. 不知何故,贝吉塔在知情和不知情的情况下,把他培养成了自己的上司,让他更加柔和,道德观也变得更加坚定。 they sought refuge on this planet, a star he dismissed as trash, and in turn, the star had finally pulled Vegeta away from darkness. 他们在这颗星球上寻求庇护,这颗被他视为垃圾的星球反过来终于将贝吉塔从黑暗中拉了出来。 he arrived with nothing but a kid whom he thought hated him, and now had a woman and a son. 他一无所有地来到这里,只有一个他认为讨厌他的孩子,现在他有了一个女人和一个儿子。

he stared back into the pitch-black void. 他凝视着那漆黑的虚空。 It resembled the wretched, torturous, and empty life he lived for over three decades in the Frieza Force. 它类似于他在弗利沙军团中度过了三十多年的可怜、折磨人的、空虚的生活。 he had been a puppet in that organization, fed a lie about the fate of his race to stay docile, and believing it without his usual skepticism. 他曾是那个组织中的傀儡,被灌输了一个关于种族命运的谎言,以保持顺从,而且他毫无怀疑地相信了它。 In his pursuit of power, he never had much grief about the loss of his father, his home world, or its people. 在追求力量的过程中,他从未对失去父亲、家园或人民感到过多的悲伤。 but right now, he felt just a sliver of peace for them. 但现在,他为他们感到一丝平静。 they could rest a little easier in hell. 他们可以在地狱中稍微安心些。

this black void below him didn\\u0027t resemble his life anymore. 这个在他下面的黑暗虚空不再像他的生活。 It was over. 一切都结束了。 And a pink ray of light was rising from it at breakneck speed. 而一道粉红色的光束正在以极快的速度升起。

Vegeta blinked. 贝吉塔眨了眨眼。 his well-trained eyesight immediately realized that it was headed for Gohan\\u0027s back. 他训练有素的视力立刻意识到那道光束正瞄准着悟饭的背部。

\\\LooK oUt!\\\ \\\小心!\\\

Vegeta leaped to his feet and shoved Gohan out of the way. 贝吉塔一跃而起,将悟饭推到一边。 the beam intended for the son of a low-class Saiyan\\u0027s back hit the Saiyan prince\\u0027s chest. 本来瞄准低级赛亚人之子的背部的光束击中了赛亚人王子的胸口。 It ripped in and out of his heart, through his back, and dissipated. 光束撕裂了他的心脏,穿过背部,然后消散了。

It had happened too quickly for Gohan to process. 这一切发生得太快,悟饭来不及反应。 he had been laughing and joking around with Arepa, and the next thing he knew, he was lying on his backside while Vegeta was sprawled out, blood pouring down from the left side of his chest and leaving a red puddle underneath his body that exceeded anything the rainfall could have done. 刚才他还在和阿蕾帕一起笑闹,下一刻,他躺在地上,而贝吉塔则四仰八叉地摊开,鲜血从他的胸口左侧流下,形成了一滩红色的血泊,超过了任何雨水所能造成的。

he stumbled to Vegeta\\u0027s body. 他踉跄地走到贝吉塔的身旁。 he couldn\\u0027t really hear anything, just noticing the others rushing to him in just as much of a panic. 他几乎听不到任何声音,只是注意到其他人也惊慌地向他奔来。 Vegeta\\u0027s face was losing its color fast, gurgling blood and gasping for rapidly depleting oxygen. 贝吉塔的脸色迅速变得苍白,喉咙里咕咕作响,渐渐失去了迅速消耗的氧气。

his eyes remained open, though slowly rolling back. 他的眼睛仍然睁着,虽然慢慢向后转动。

Gohan placed a hand over Vegeta\\u0027s pulsating chest. 悟饭把手放在贝吉塔跳动的胸口上。 his body temperature was numbingly cold. 他的体温冰冷刺骨。



the Saiyan\\u0027s prince sunk his head to the side, nudging it towards Gohan as best as he could. 赛亚人王子把头朝一边垂了下去,尽力地向悟饭挪动着。

tears fell from his once mighty, often intimidating, sometimes even terrifying eyes. 眼泪从他曾经威武、令人生畏、甚至可怕的眼睛中流淌下来。

\\\we...were so...close...\\\


\\\No!\\\ Gohan pleaded. \\\不!\\\ 悟饭哀求道。 \\\It\\u0027s not over!\\\ \\\还没结束!\\\



Vegeta didn\\u0027t get the rest of it out. 贝吉塔没有说完。

his heart wouldn\\u0027t let him. 他的心不再允许他继续说下去。

his head went limp, his eyes shut, and his convulsions ceased. 他的头无力地耷拉下来,眼睛闭上,抽搐停止了。

his pain finally ended. 他的痛苦终于结束了。

Gohan kneeled limply over Vegeta\\u0027s body, the hands of time settling. 悟饭无力地跪在贝吉塔的身上,时间的指针停止了。

this didn\\u0027t feel real. 这感觉不真实。

Vegeta was supposed to get up, call him a stupid brat for worrying about him, and plow into action. 贝吉塔应该会站起来,骂他是个愚蠢的小子,然后投入行动。

Not this. 但现在却没有了。

Not this. 不是这样。

overwhelmed with emotion herself, Arepa covered a sob and reached her hand out to the prince\\u0027s fallen body.




She tried to touch his body, but her arm wouldn\\u0027t move. 她试图触碰他的身体,但她的手臂无法移动。

when she tried to lift her other arm to smack some feeling into it, that wouldn\\u0027t budge, either.


\\\I...I can\\u0027t move...!\\\


that snapped Gohan back to reality.


he forced himself away from Vegeta\\u0027s lifeless body and jumped up, rushing towards Arepa.


\\\what\\u0027s going on?! what\\u0027s wrong?!\\\


\\\I can\\u0027t feel anything...!\\\ Arepa whimpered, sputtering as she stared at her paralyzed limbs.

\\\我什么都感觉不到...!\\\ 阿瑞帕哽咽着说道,盯着自己瘫痪的四肢发呆。

Gohan looked up at the others, and they were just as lost, just as fearful as he was. 悟饭抬头看着其他人,他们和他一样迷茫,同样恐惧。

with every passing second, his anger grew.


he knew the culprit behind the madness, the one who had murdered Vegeta. 他知道疯狂背后的凶手,那个谋杀了贝吉塔的人。

he was lurking somewhere, and he would get rid of him even it killed him in a thousand realities. 他潜伏在某个地方,即使让他在千百个现实中丧命,他也会把他除掉。



Gohan turned, around racing to the hole that tien left with blood-red vision. 悟饭转过身,血红的视线扫视着那个由天和留下的洞口。

\\\her arm!\\\


he overheard Goku yell it and skidded to a stop. 他听到悟空大喊一声并停了下来。

when he turned around, the first thing he saw on Arepa was a shade of blue the same color as her eyes spreading over her arm. 当他转过身,悟饭看到阿瑞帕手臂上蔓延着与她眼睛同色的蓝色阴影。

his head had generated the image more times than he could count, but that was just it – it was all in his head. 他的脑海里生成了这个画面的次数多得数不清,但那只是他的幻想。

the ice was all in his head. 这冰雪只存在于他的脑海之中。

It wasn\\u0027t real. 这不是真的。

\\\It\\u0027s...so cold...\\\ Arepa said with a shiver. \\\好...冷...\\\ 阿瑞帕颤抖着说道。

the others were left at a loss, looking around at each other, trying to figure out what they could do. 其他人都不知所措,彼此看着对方,试图想出他们能做些什么。

It wasn\\u0027t until he saw the terror spread across their faces that Gohan realized this was very much real. 直到他看到其他人脸上恐惧蔓延时,悟饭才意识到这是非常真实的。

he stumbled over to her, firing up what little power he had as the ice rapidly spread across her arm, her chest, and her legs. 他跌跌撞撞地走向她,点燃了他所剩无几的力量,冰雪迅速蔓延到她的手臂、胸部和腿部。

All he had to do was light a flame – the same way he lit his cigarettes, the same way he saved piccolo. 他只需点燃一团火焰,就像点燃他的香烟一样,就像他救下皮克洛一样。

but when he raised his palms, he couldn\\u0027t get anything going. 但当他伸起双掌时,他无法使任何事情发生。

\\\e on... . . \\\ Gohan pleaded to his own hands, to his own painstakingly cultivated power. \\\来吧... . . \\\ 悟饭恳求着自己的双手,恳求着他自己辛辛苦苦培养的力量。 \\\来吧!

\\\I...I can\\u0027t... \\\我...我不能...

Gohan looked up. 悟饭抬起头。

Arepa\\u0027s entire body from the neck down had bee a stiff, sprinkling shade of blue. 阿瑞帕从颈部以下的整个身体都变得僵硬,洒上了一层蓝色的冰霜。

All she could do was cry as fear overwhelmed the rambunctious, recklessly brave spirit she carried at all times. 她只能哭泣,恐惧淹没了她一直以来的好动、鲁莽勇敢的精神。

Lapis and Lazuli rushed over, blowing heat from their own palms to melt the ice. 拉普拉斯和拉祖利匆忙赶过去,从自己的手掌中吹出热气以融化冰块。

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