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第13章 决战13(2 / 2)

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\\\It\\u0027s all yours.\\\ “都是你的了。”

Gohan just stood there with a grimace, long enough that even piccolo\\u0027s face contorted awkwardly. 悟饭一直站在那里,面带苦笑,时间足够长,以至于连比克洛的脸也扭曲得尴尬。

\\\well? that\\u0027s what you did all this for, right?\\\ “那么?这就是你为之付出的一切,对吗?”

\\\I\\u0027m not picking that shit up,\\\ Gohan whined, squirming at the green slime coating the dragon ball. “我可不想捡那个破玩意,”悟饭抱怨道,他在包裹着龙珠的绿色粘液上蠕动着。

After an annoyed grunt and a few curses about brats and humans, piccolo fired a beam from his antennae at Gohan\\u0027s hands. 在一声恼怒的嘟囔和一些关于顽童和人类的咒骂后,比克洛从触角中发射出一道光束,照在悟饭的手上。 A rubber glove formed around one, and a can of sanitizing rags in the other. 一个橡胶手套形成在一只手上,另一只手则拿着一罐消毒抹布。 Gohan looked up at the easily annoyed Namekian and smirked. 悟饭抬头看着容易生气的纳美克星人,咧嘴笑了笑。

\\\Yeah, that\\u0027ll work.\\\ “嗯,这样就行了。”

Gohan stood in the center of the lookout, with God, mr. popo, piccolo, and the Earthling warriors behind him. 悟饭站在神殿的中央,身后是神、波波先生、比克洛和地球战士们。

he had a fresh outfit on, finally back in the outside world after he and piccolo spent an additional month training nonstop. 他身着一身崭新的服装,与比克洛一起连续训练了一个月后,终于回到了外界。

In his estimation, he was more than ready for Frieza, but that was no reason to slack. 在他的估计中,他已经准备好迎战弗利萨了,但这并不是懈怠的理由。

physical training had not been his reason for stepping inside the time chamber – there were seven reasons, in fact, and they rested on the tiles beneath his feet, glowing bright yellow. 他进入时间室并不是为了进行身体训练 - 实际上,有七个原因,它们就躺在他脚下的瓷砖上,闪烁着明亮的黄光。

determination hardened Gohan\\u0027s face as he looked down at the seven dragon balls. 当悟饭俯视着七颗龙珠时,决心在他脸上显露无疑。

this was it – what he had worked an entire year for, even if it didn\\u0027t register to those in the regular world. 这就是他为之努力了整整一年的目标,即使对于普通世界的人来说,这可能并不为人所知。

It wasn\\u0027t just light pulsing from the balls – it was the lives of all those lost at his hands. 这不仅仅是珠子发出的光芒 - 它是所有在他手中失去生命的人的生命。

God strolled next to Gohan. 神漫步到悟饭旁边。 \\\I\\u0027ll do the honors.\\\ “我将进行仪式。”

the man who created the dragon balls spread his arms above them. 那个创造龙珠的人伸开双臂,悬浮在它们的上方。

\\\e forth, Shenron, and grant me my wish!\\\ “出现吧,神龙,实现我的愿望!”

the sky became black, like Earth went a full orbit in a matter of seconds. 天空变得黑暗,仿佛地球在几秒钟内完成了一次完整的轨道。

the dragon balls sparked with electricity, until a power stream of light burst all the way into the clouds. 龙珠闪耀着电光,直到一股强大的光芒涌向云层。

Gohan had seen many a light display in his lifetime, but this ritual possessed a mysticism that captivated his young eyes. 悟饭在他的一生中见过许多光的表演,但这个仪式具有一种迷幻的魅力,吸引着他年轻的双眼。

the light gradually took on the shape of a serpent that seemingly spanned the entire width of the sky itself. 光芒逐渐变成一条蛇的形状,似乎横跨整个天空的宽度。

his heart raced with anticipation as the light faded into a solid shape. 随着光芒渐渐变成实体的形状,他的心情充满了期待。

A booming growl reverberated through the atmosphere, its frequencies felt from Gohan\\u0027s feet all the way to his eyes. 一声轰鸣回荡在大气中,频率从悟饭的脚到眼睛都能感受到。

the light faded into an enormous, green dragon, with brown horns emanating from its scaly head and eyes as red as the nine years of blood on Gohan\\u0027s hands. 光芒消散后,一个巨大的绿色巨龙出现了,它的鳞头上有棕色的角,眼睛鲜红如悟饭手上的九年血渍。

For most of his life, he thought an angry Frieza was the most fearsome sight he would ever lay eyes upon; looking at this dragon that reduced him and the others to mere ants, he may have been wrong. 在他的大部分人生中,他以为愤怒的弗利萨是他曾经见过的最可怕的景象;但看着这条让他和其他人变得渺小的巨龙,他可能错了。

\\\I wILL GRANt YoU ANY wISh thAt IS wIthIN mY powER.\\\ “我将实现你力所能及的任何愿望。”

that emphatic voice – it was the exact same one that had spoken into Gohan\\u0027s mind all those years earlier to beckon him back to this very planet. 那种强烈的声音 - 它与多年前对悟饭的心灵呼唤完全相同,召唤他回到这个星球。

he had rejected it for a life of murder – and now he was back to correct that mistake. 他曾经拒绝了它,选择了杀戮的生活 - 现在他回来纠正那个错误。

\\\I believe that\\u0027s your cue, Gohan,\\\ God said, stepping away. “我想那是你的提示,悟饭,”神说着,退后了一步。

In the face of the massive apparition before him, Gohan almost had trouble even remembering how to speak. 面对眼前庞大的幻象,悟饭几乎忘记了如何开口说话。

the wish was simple – bring back everyone that he had been killed recently. 愿望很简单 - 把最近被杀的人都复活。

but in the moment, it felt…inplete. 但在那一刻,它感觉…不完整。

\\\maybe next time we see each other, you won\\u0027t be in that armor…\\\ \\\也许下次我们见面时,你不会穿着那套盔甲……\\\

Kobe…the last time Gohan saw him, he had tried to make him understand the folly of surrendering to Frieza\\u0027s genocidal orders. 科比……悟饭最后一次见到他时,他试图让他明白屈服于弗利萨种族灭绝命令的愚蠢。

the paradox that was Gohan\\u0027s mind, his foolish determination to be both Frieza\\u0027s murderer and his slave, had ultimately resulted in the death of Kobe, planet mamba, and trillions others before them. 悟饭心中的悖论,他愚蠢的决心既要成为弗利萨的杀手,又要成为他的奴隶,最终导致了科比、曼巴星和数万亿人的死亡。

he couldn\\u0027t just stop at Earth – he had to fix everything. 他不能仅仅止步于地球 - 他必须修复一切。

\\\I…I have one question,\\\ Gohan called through a dry throat. “我……我有一个问题,”悟饭嗓子发干地说道。

\\\If I asked you to bring back everyone who\\u0027s been killed by somebody who\\u0027s worked for the Frieza Force at some point in their lives, it would include the victims of people who aren\\u0027t members now, right?\\\ “如果我让你把每一个被曾经为弗利萨军团工作的人杀死的人都复活,那将包括那些现在不再是成员的人的受害者,对吗?”

\\\coRREct. AS LoNG AS thEY hAVE EIthER pASt oR cURRENt AFFILIAtIoN wIth thAt oRGANIZAtIoN, ALL oF thEIR VIctImS\\u0027 LIVES woULd bE REStoREd.\\\ “正确。只要他们曾经或现在与那个组织有过关联,所有他们的受害者的生命都会被恢复。”

with a small smile, Gohan nodded. 微笑着,悟饭点了点头。

\\\howEVER…\\\ “不过……”

Gohan held his breath... 悟饭屏住呼吸……

\\\IF thE NUmbER oF VIctImS IS VASt, mY powERS wILL oNLY ExtENd to thoSE KILLEd wIthIN thE LASt YEAR.\\\ “如果受害者的数量巨大,我的力量只能延伸到过去一年内被杀害的人。”

though Gohan frowned, he released his breath in relief. 虽然悟饭皱起了眉头,但他松了口气。

It wasn\\u0027t the worst catch, and planet mamba fell within that net anyway. 这不是最糟糕的限制,曼巴星也在这个范围之内。

It wasn\\u0027t a total fix, but it would bring back an innumerable amount of stolen lives. 虽然不能完全解决问题,但它将使无数被夺去的生命重生。

\\\Alright, well that\\u0027s my wish, then! bring back everyone who\\u0027s been killed by a past or former member of the Frieza Force\\\ Gohan yelled. “好吧,那就是我的愿望!复活所有被曾经或以前的弗利萨军团成员杀害的人!”悟饭大喊道。

A few seconds later, an extra provision alerted his mind, making him swing his arms up in a frenzy. 几秒钟后,额外的规定引起了他的注意,使他手忙脚乱地挥动手臂。

\\\Unless they\\u0027re evil or their planet was destroyed!\\\ “除非他们是邪恶的,或者他们的星球被摧毁!”

\\\It ShALL bE doNE.\\\ “这将会实现。”

Gohan firmly nodded, wiping off his damp forehead. 悟饭坚定地点了点头,擦去湿润的额头。

he was almost worried all those provisions would end up tantamount to multiple wishes. 他几乎担心所有这些规定最终会相当于多个愿望。

Excluding the evil ones would keep all of the collateral Frieza Force members like Zarbon and dodoria dead, too. 不包括邪恶的人将使扎波恩和多多利亚等所有弗利萨军团的附带成员也保持死亡。

Unfortunately, Raditz and Nappa wouldn\\u0027t be spared, either – but Gohan got the feeling they were at peace with their honorable deaths. 不幸的是,拉迪茨和纳帕也不会幸免 - 但是悟饭感觉他们对自己光荣的死亡感到安心。

Shenron\\u0027s red eyes glowed, while his voice grumbled as if powering up. 神龙的红色眼睛闪烁,他的声音咕噜咕噜地响起,好像正在充能。

Gohan focused his Ki sense towards west city, too eager to simply wait for the dragon to do its job. 悟饭集中精神感知西都,他迫不及待地等待着神龙完成他的任务。

his foot eagerly tapped the floor as he shut his eyes. 他热切地在地板上踏着脚,闭上了眼睛。

the equivalent of a lightning bolt struck Gohan\\u0027s mind, nearly knocking him over. 相当于一道闪电击中了悟饭的脑海,几乎把他击倒。

he felt it – thousands of Ki signatures popping up near bulma and Vegeta. 他感受到了——成千上万的气息在布尔玛和贝吉塔附近冒了出来。

Gohan couldn\\u0027t resist the genuine smile that hit him. 悟饭情不自禁地露出了真诚的微笑。

\\\YoUR wISh hAS bEEN GRANtEd. FAREwELL.\\\ “你的愿望已经实现。告别。”

the divine dragon evaporated into light, while the dragon balls levitated into the sky and scattered in all directions like a series of shooting stars. 神龙化作光芒消散,而龙珠则悬浮在天空中,像一连串的流星般四散而去。

Gohan gazed upon the sky. the pitch-black had bee blue once more, if not a little brighter than it had been before the summoning. he squinted like the extra focus would allow him to see planet mamba springing back to life. 悟饭凝视着天空。深黑色重新变成了蓝色,如果不比召唤前更明亮的话。他眯起眼睛,好像额外的专注力能让他看到曼巴星重新苏醒。

A large hand pressed against Gohan\\u0027s shoulder. he looked up as the more saintly, elderly version of piccolo smiled down at him. \\\Excellent work, my boy. A most righteous idea to expand the scope of your wish.\\\ 一只大手按在悟饭的肩膀上。他抬头看着更加圣洁、年长的纽扣岭微笑着对他说道:“干得好,小子。扩大你的愿望范围是一个最正义的主意。”

Looking straight ahead, Gohan thought about not just Lapis, but Kobe. All he could feel was joy at their revival. 目不转睛地望着前方,悟饭想到的不仅是莱皮斯,还有科比。 他所能感受到的只有他们复活所带来的喜悦。

\\\I do wonder, though,\\\ God mused, tapping his wooden staff. \\\the implication of such a wish; surely the planets of many of those victims would now be under Frieza\\u0027s subjugation, would they not?\\\ “不过,我倒是很好奇,”神思考着,敲击着他的木杖。 “这个愿望的影响如何呢?那些受害者所在的许多星球现在肯定会处在弗利萨的统治之下,不是吗?”

At that, Gohan frowned; the larger scale wish had been an impulse decision, after all. but he decided to look at the bright side for once. 听到这个,悟饭皱起了眉头;毕竟,更大规模的愿望只是一时冲动的决定。 但他决定从积极的一面来看待。

\\\that\\u0027s a good point, but I think it might give Frieza more trouble than anything,\\\ Gohan replied. \\\A lot of those guys were strong in their own right and if they\\u0027re pissed enough, they can stage some uprisings. he\\u0027s about to have galaxies\\u0027 worth of planets after him, and he\\u0027s pretty lazy. besides…\\\ “这是个好观点,但我认为这可能给弗利萨带来更多麻烦,”悟饭回答道。 “其中很多人在他们自己的领域里都很强大,如果他们足够愤怒,他们可以发起一些起义。 他即将拥有整个星系的星球追捧他,而他非常懒惰。 而且…”

Gohan dug his pocket open and smirked at his blue scouter. \\\I know a couple of people who can figure out how to organize that. \\\ 悟饭打开口袋,对着他的蓝色侦测器咧嘴笑了起来。 “我认识几个人,他们可以想办法组织起来。”

the other human warriors joined Gohan and God, Krillin standing out in front with a proud smile on his face. Gohan looked back at him, thinking about the day they had first met. 其他人类战士加入了悟饭和神,克林站在前面,脸上带着自豪的笑容。 悟饭回过头看着他,想起他们初次相遇的那一天。

\\\You did a good thing, Gohan,\\\ Krillin said. \\\I\\u0027m sure Lazuli will be grateful. \\\ “你做得很好,悟饭,”克林说道。 “我相信拉祖利会感激你。”

Lazuli had told Gohan to get everything sorted out, or else his past actions truly would define him. piccolo had more or less forced that to happen. while Gohan still was unable to exonerate himself for everything he had done – and he doubted he ever would – he could at least go more than a minute without it weighing on him. 拉祖利告诉悟饭要把一切都整理好,否则他过去的行为将真正定义他。 纽扣岭或多或少地迫使这一切发生。 尽管悟饭仍然无法为自己所做的一切开脱罪责,而且他怀疑自己永远也无法做到,但他至少可以在一分钟内不为此感到沉重。

A tear came to Gohan\\u0027s eye as he looked down at the Earth\\u0027s vast skies below the lookout. For once, it wasn\\u0027t a cry of sadness. 当悟饭俯视着神殿下面广阔的大地天空时,眼泪涌上了他的眼眶。 这一次,它不是悲伤的哭泣。

piccolo marched towards him, rudely barreling through the others with a snort of disgust. \\\personally, I wretch knowing that a bunch of vermin have been regurgitated onto this dump. \\\ 纽扣岭径直走向他,粗鲁地从其他人身边冲过去,嗤之以鼻地说道。 “就我个人而言,我对于知道一群害虫被吐在这个垃圾场上感到恶心。”

As he wiped away his tear, Gohan smiled disbelievingly. \\\Sure…\\\ 悟饭擦去眼泪,不可置信地微笑着。 “当然……”

the Saiyan in purple and the Namekian in purple walked to the edge of the lookout, the wind blowing a strong current into their faces. they stood there for a few moments, letting the gusts occupy their ears. 身穿紫色服装的赛亚人和纽克斯人走到神殿的边缘,风吹拂着他们的脸庞。 他们在那里停留了几分钟,让风声充满他们的耳朵。

\\\Give Lapis my regards,\\\ piccolo muttered. “请代我向拉祖利问好,”纽扣岭喃喃自语。

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